Monday, March 22, 2010

Wednesday, the 17th

Today the preliminary results came back. Malignant tumor. We would have to wait for pathology to confirm the type of cancer, although Dr. Hajjar feels almost certain it is Ewing's sarcoma.

It is decided that Drew will be allowed to go home for the weekend because they cannot schedule his port until Monday. He is released just in time to get to church. What a blessing to see him in God's house, and to see him with God's people. Our church family continued to hold us up by meeting our physical needs and begging the Lord to meet our emotional and spiritual needs. And, indeed the Lord did.

With the confirmation of the definititive diagnosis, treatment could begin. We are just so thankful to know without a shadow of a doubt that the Lord has guided and has had His hand in the finding, the diagnosing, and the confirming of Drew's cancer. Knowing that ere before we entered into this valley, our Savior waited to meet us and walk us through. Before we ever even realized we had a need, He had provided. From the very first radiologist who saw the fracture (we have since been told that whoever read that x-ray had to be guided by God because the fracture was not one that was very obvious) all the way to being led to one of the best cancer centers in Florida, the Lord's hand has been evident. What a truly, truly wonderful God we serve.

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