Sunday, July 18, 2010

Praise Report

God has been so good to us. He shows Himself strong each and every day. How precious is our walk with Him. Drew had a PET scan and a CT done last week and this week we got the results back. The PET scan is showing NO positive activity. CT shows the tumor has shrunk by 75%. Surgery will proceed as soon as surgeon can schedule it, which will be later this month. We are very excited about the positive way Drew's body is responding to treatment, there is even a chance that he won't require radiation. Praise the Lord. "On Christ the solid Rock I stand, All other ground is sinking sand, All other ground is sinking sand." Edward Mote

1 comment:

  1. Please know that we are praying for Drew. We know we serve a Prayer-answering God, as we have seen Him do some amazing things for us in the 13 months we have been here. God has been blessing us in Parkville, MO by allowing us to see 26 people saved this year and 8 new members. It is a very culturally diverse area with a college within 2 miles of the church. We have expanded our store front sanctuary so we can comfortably seat 50+.
    Pastor Bryan Gentry
